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Whose Land? - Part 1 & 2 (DVDs)
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Part 1 DVD
Whose Land? A two part documentary series. A century after the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 the argument over the land – then known as Palestine – rages on. Politicians, clerics and school teachers living in the Gaza strip, the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem, teach their children, teenagers and young adults that the Balfour Declaration was illegal, and that the whole of the land – now known as Israel – in fact belongs to the Arab people who are today known as the Palestinians. The Palestinian claim goes on to assert that the Jewish people have no historic connection with Jerusalem, that they are in fact trying to Judaize the Holy City and that the Jewish presence there is illegal. Moreover, this claim is now becoming widely accepted among many in the Western world. So what historic and legal claim do the Palestinian Arabs have over Jerusalem and the Land of Israel? Do the Jewish people have historic and legal rights? If so, when and where did they originate? In the two-part documentary “Whose Land?” Richard Kemp, together with a group of historians and international lawyers, examines the conflicting claims of the Palestinians and the Israelis through the eyes of verifiable history and international law.
Part 2 DVD
In this second part of the
Whose Land?
series, entitled The Law of Occupation and the Status of Jerusalem, a group of prominent international lawyers unpack the false accusations against the Jewish state brought by the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations, the European Union, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement and much of the Western media: that Israel is an “apartheid state” and “illegally occupying Palestinian land.” Using verifiable history and established principles of international law that apply to all other nations, the lawyers build the case for Israel’s legal right of sovereignty over its historic heartland of Judea and Samaria, as well as Jerusalem – the Jewish capital for the last 3,000 years.
Whose Land?
is hosted by
Colonel Richard Kemp CBE
, written, directed & produced by award-winning filmmaker
Hugh Kitson
"Whose Land? dismantles the lies that have been told about Israel since 1948. In so doing it mounts a defense of Israeli legitimacy through masterly presentation from Colonel Richard Kemp and other experts. They adduce fact after fact to show that Israel, far from violating international law, is upholding it. Words like "occupation" and "settlements" have become popular smears against Israel, but they have no legal basis whatsoever. Hugh Kitson has directed a production that exposes these specious legal arguments for what they are: vicious anti-Israel propaganda. I would recommend Whose Land? to anyone seeking the truth about Israel and the wider Middle East."
Douglas Murray
Part 2 Multi-Region DVD Set - 2 Discs
Disc 1 - Feature-length documentary, Runtime: 112 minutes (Includes ‘Foundations’ resumé of Part 1)
Disc 2 - Episodes from Whose Land? Part 2
Save when you buy both Part 1 and Part 2 together. Get both DVD's for £30 (usually £35 when purchased separately).
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